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Customizing(Hacking) softwares in Windows

Often a times, we feel not satisfied with the functioning of an already installed software and we wish whether we could change it. To tell you, the look, dialogs, windows are all hard coded to form a software and at the first place it seems an impossible task for us to customize it especially when we only have an .exe file of it. But wait! That same exe file is all you need!I will share with you two amazing tools which I use and by experience I am telling you, they are damn easy.Resource Tuner and Resource Hacker.Let' see what they have got for us.They are tools which enables you to customize your programs by modifying the executable files(EXE, DLL, SYS, MSSTYLES, SCR and more) without any programming skills required! You can change the icon, replace the images in the applications, translate the messages, change the menu or any other element of your user interface with just a matter of few clicks.To upload an exe file you can just do it from the "open" option under the "File" menu or drag it in using the Windows Explorer. There are plenty of things to play with, You can find very good tutorials on both of them.

Heaventool's Tutorial for Resource Tuner.
AskVG Tutorial on Resource Hacker

So, don't like the text on the dialog? Wanna add a shortcut to a control on your software?(Accelerator), want to add or remove a menu option? You now know what you got to do! :)


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